Sunday, December 9, 2007

My Weekend!

I had a great weekend this weekend and I hope everyone else did too! I'm coming back to Idaho on December 20th!!!!

On Friday night, I went out to dinner and then to a hockey game with my 2 guy friends, Dan and Corey. They are really funny guys that are part of my church group. The hockey game was great, it was Providence Bruins vs. Chicago Wolves and a few fights broke out on the ice!

On Saturday, I went out to lunch with some girls from church and then we went over to one of their houses and hung out for a while. It was so nice just to be with friends and relax!

On Sunday, I went to church and then out to lunch with some friends from church. Then one of my other friends treated me to a special jungle acrobat show at the Providence Performing Arts Center.

Overall, it was a great relaxing weekend! However, this week is going to be a long and busy one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep it up Girl, You can do it. I love you, Vicky