Sunday, January 6, 2008

1st Weekend Back In RI!

I had a great and smooth day of flying, just long and tiring however. I was so happy to see a familiar face at the Providence Airport waiting to pick me up. Melissa, my amazing friend and sister in Christ, picked me up and took me to her apartment where we hung out and had a great night together!

Corey, my guy, picked me up on Friday to take me back to my dorm. Its been a tad bit hard getting back into the swing of things but I'm managing good and my pain from the sledding accident is getting better everyday. Friday night, I hung out with Melissa, had a great dinner together then we ran around downtown Providence exploring things. It was so much fun learning new things. Then I capped off my night by seeing the movie Alvin & The Chipmunks which was a really cute movie!

On Saturday, I worked on catching up on my sleep. Then I went with a group of friends from my hall, West Hall to go get my roommate, Allison, from the airport. The airline left her luggage behind at JFK airport so we reluctantly went home without it. Allison and I ordered pizza and grabbed another friend to play a board game together. It was great catching up with friends again!

On Sunday, I went to church and grabbed lunch with friends. Melissa dropped Allison and I off at our dorm where I worked on organizing and unpacking some more along with doing some homework. Then I went with Melissa to go pick up our other friend Carrie from the airport. While we were at the airport, instead of doing short term parking, we were sitting in the terminal where you are required to actively load passengers. Melissa left me with the car to go find Carrie. The cop monitoring things came over and was like move the car! I said I cannot it is my friends. Melissa was not answering her phone. The cop said you have 2 minutes to move it then he went to the front of the car and got the license plate and make/model of the car. As soon as he did that, I hopped into Melissa's car and took off. I finally got ahold of her and was like um, I have your car and I'm making a loop, be back shortly. It was quite funny to say the least. Afterwards, the three of us grabbed dinner together and had a great time catching up!

I'm going to call it a night for now! School is starting again tomorrow and I have to get back into the grind! I hope everyone had a Happy New Year!!


Anonymous said...

Have fun! I love you, Vicky

TesCar said...


You are an amzing women of God. You don't just talk the talk. You walk the walk. All you do is so related to Christ. You actively seek other brothers and sisters in the Lord. You go way out of the way to help people. You actively seek out people who can benefit from the love of God that is oozing out of every pore in your body. I'm so proud to be called your Aunt. I love you!

Aunt Teresa