Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The End of the Trimester!

Wow, my life is crazy and random! So much has happened in the past week! Plus I found out today that I'm headed to Denver for a week to chill with my bro and have Thanksgiving with my parents. It is funny that plane tickets are so cheap with such little notice, you got to keep those sardine cans full!

After finishing working on the 10th, I've been quite shocked to find that life can be quite boring without work to do all the time! Although, these past two weeks have kind of been a blur!

Tuesday (the 11th), I found the kid in me again by seeing High School Musical 3 with a friend. It was a light, fun movie with good choreography and my friend and I joked about the movie all the way through. It was also a great way to finish a 3 month spell of work! I also was busy wrapping windows, haha yes, a New England thing to do with them old houses! I have some leaky windows (rather they are all leaky! grr) but I didn't let that stop me from attacking it with this plastic wrap stuff that you tape and blow dry in! It took a while for all of us roomies to figure out how to get the blinds adjusted so that we could still utilize the blinds during the winter and not be gremlins that cannot handle light haha.

On Friday (the 14th), I hung out with a friend and we made cookies together. Once we got them baked, we had a few more friends come over and we had a girls' night together watching a movie and eating pizza and just hanging out. It is great to have positive, Christian influencing women in my life!

On Saturday (the 15th), I went to a breakfast with my college aged group that was hosted at a friend's house. Yummy food and 30 people crammed into a college kid's apartment makes any morning bound to be amusing. Afterwards, Melissa and I as well as a couple other friends headed to Target to do Operation Christmas Child shopping. Operation Christmas Child is where you fill up a shoebox with stuff for kids in foreign countries matching up to a certain age category. These kids often do not know what it is like to experience Christmas and along with these boxes that they receive, they also receive a part of the gospel in their language, so it is a great way to show the tangible love of God.

Afterwards, I headed out to my old job to pick up my paycheck and drop off my uniform. However, I got sidetracked into going to a thrift store as well as heading to the Christian book store. I got a new CD (The Best of Passion So Far) which is sweet as well as a book by Beth Moore! Then Melissa and I met up with a friend of ours and we went to this nice restaurant on Thayer Street that reminded a lot of my parents' place in a few ways.

Then on Sunday, I went to church and did some laundry and took a nice nap. I'm still trying to catch up on all that sleep I've been missing out on! I also grabbed dinner with some friends later that night.

Monday and Tuesday were study days for finals and today was my last day of school for the trimester! I had all four finals today but I made it! This ends another chapter of my life here at JWU with 20.5 more credits done! YAY!


Anonymous said...

Well done young lady. I am so proud of you. Keep up the great work. Have fun with Georgie and your mom and dad. I miss you all. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
I love you, Vicky

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see you.
I Love You,