Saturday, December 29, 2007

My Time at Home

I arrived back in Boise, Idaho very late on Thursday, Dec 20th!! I was so happy to see my parents!

On Friday, I went to lunch with my two of my good friends, Camden and Scott. Thanks Camden, by the way for buying Scott and me lunch! Then later on, my cousin and his girlfriend, Tammy, flew in from Los Angeles. I haven't seen them since July, so it was great seeing them again!!!

On Saturday, I relaxed at home with my family and went to church. We came out from church and found a winter wonderland!! It had snowed like 2 inches. My friend, Jeff, came and picked me up from church and we went to his house and hung out. He is a great driver in the snow!

On Sunday, my brother flew in and my family was a complete unit again! We had a great night with a little get together at my aunts house. It was great being with family and friends and just hanging out together.

On Monday, I went to the deli to help out and later my cousin Leena flew in (yes, thats a lot of visits to the airport). Then a whole bunch of us, 12 of us to be exact, went to church and then to my aunt's house for dinner. It was my great aunt and uncle, my cousins, my aunt, my grandparents, and my family.

On Tuesday, I had a great morning with my parents and brother. I got a nice array of gifts, thanks everybody! Then the whole rest of the family arrived for dinner. We had a great time together and everything went really smooth! Then later on, my friend, Jeff, called me asking me where he could a place that would deliver food on Christmas and I ended up bringing him some leftovers since he was stuck at work. He is a security guard for CITI.

On Wednesday, I said goodbye to my cousins, Dimi and Tammy. My parents, bro and I went shopping and then I went and grabbed coffee with my friend Gail. Then i went home, grabbed dinner and my parents, bro and I all went to the Idaho Botanical Gardens where they are having the gardens all lit up with Christmas lights. It was so nice!

On Thursday, I had lunch with my friend, Scott and then I headed downtown with my aunt, Rose, and cousin, Leena, to go see this child prodigy art exhibit! It was so amazing to see how talented a 13 year old girl could be! Then I went and saw P.S. I Love You with my mom and friends. After that, I hung out with Leena trying to figure out some pictures from our cruise that we took together in July.

On Friday, it was a jam packed day! I had breakfast with my friend, Gail and my brother. Then I had a dentist appointment which went fine. Then I met up with my godmother, Sandy and had a nice time talking with her. Then I had lunch later on with my friend, Kim. Then later on, I went to the movies and dinner with my two friends, Camden and Scott. It was a great day catching up with everyone!

Today, I had breakfast with the family along with Rose and my grandparents and then we all just sat back and relaxed. I plan on heading up to Garden Valley tomorrow to go to a cabin and have some nice relaxing time with my parents and brother. I'll be back home on Wednesday and then I leave Boise, bright and early on Thursday morning!


Anonymous said...

I'll buy you lunch anytime.

Anonymous said...

Hey woman, I am glad that you had a wonderful vacation with your family. I wish that I could have come and spent time with all of you too! I hope that the new year finds you health and happiness. I love you girl. Have a wonderful week. I love you, Vicky