Monday, February 4, 2008

Superbowl Weekend Update!

Yep! The Pats just lost to the Giants. I just got home from a great superbowl party full of college age friends and other amazing people at my pastor's house. My pastor and his family are such wonderful people and I'm truly blessed to know them!

I have been so busy lately, I've barely had time to eat and sleep! There is only 2 weeks of classes left before finals, teachers are giving out big, fat projects that require a lot of work and research and often times a lot of work with groups.

I just got over being sick, at least everyone had it at once, apparently here in Providence for the public school system, they give the elementary school students a week off in February for the students to be separated and to let the schools air out because everyone gets so sick.

Some highlights from my week?

Spending time with my guy...hanging with great friends and taking crazy bus trips (what would I do without public transportation!?)...running around Wal-Mart trying to kill an hour because of bus schedules by chasing fellow friends with stuffed animals (haha who let 3 crazy girls loose)...getting lost in a tiny town of Middletown, Rhode Island....and so many more!

I hope everyone had a great week and I'll try to keep you guys updated!


Anonymous said...

I voted! :) Hugs - G.

Anonymous said...

Leeta, I tried to vote but wouldn't let me. Yes, keep the blog. I love reading it when it comes to me. I am enjoying hearing about you and all the things that you get to do. Have a wonderful day. I love you girl, Vicky
P.S. Corey is very cute and looks like he is tall like your dad.