Sunday, September 23, 2007

My Weekend, Church, & Friends

This weekend by far has probably been the most dramatic, interesting weekend of my life. I am not going to go into detail too much on it but there were some extreme moments going on.

I found a great new friend named Betsy, she means a lot to me and I've only known her for a week. She is going to bring a lot of excitement to my life with her great sense of humor. We've practically hung out everyday except for the one day I was gone at the Patriots game. She is from New Jersey and is studying Hotel Management as well. We help each other out in all sorts and ways and she lives on the 3rd floor which isn't too far away.

I also made some church friends. On Friday night, I went out with my church group, Tuesday Night Truth aka TNT, and we went out to dinner and just socialized together and got to know each other. Through that, I got to know some TNT people better and one of them showed me where church was on the way home from dinner.

Since my usual Sunday workings at the Patriots game was cancelled due to lack of drivers, I went to church. It was wonderful although very small and you could definetely feel a sense of unity in this church family. After church, a huge part of the church went to lunch at the mall. I got to eat lunch with the Pastor and his family and got to know them better. I think I can finally say that they will always be there for me and will be a great support system for me!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Leeta, These people that you meet in college will be your friends forever. Enjoy every moment. I hope that you have a wonderful week. I love you, Vicky