Monday, September 3, 2007

My Starbucks Adventure with Big Mike

God works in mysterious ways!

So, I'm at Starbucks and this is my second new blog. Feel free to read them in any order. But don't forget to read the other one titled "My New Life"

I get to Starbucks, order a coffee so I could be a good paying patron while using their internet. I set up my laptop and this big black guy comes over. By the way, I feel like a minority at times since the east coast has a way more diversed crowd of people. This black guy, who we will name Big Mike, was saying something that I could hardly hear. I was like speak up what do you want (I was nice about it!). He said he just returned from Europe, couldn't figure out his laptop and didn't want to hassle it. I said what do you need to access, he said his verizon account. I took a chance and since Starbucks was packed enough it seemed safe.

Big Mike logs into his account and doesn't know a whole lot about computers and is amazed at my skills. He has a pre paid verizon on the go cell account which is amazing and I almost feel like changing to it. If you really want to know all the goods about it let me know and I'll tell you about it, I don't want to put any more people to sleep tonight ;)

But this pre paid on the go thing is amazing and is great for people that are going to be international and so forth. So in that way, God was presenting an answer to me on something that I was worried about and that was how am I supposed to communicate with family while I'm overseas without spending a ton of money.

But we get done with that and Big Mike introduces himself and he says, my name is Big Mike but they all call me Tiny Bear. Then he shows me his arms and on one arm he has Big Mike tatooed into it in a nice writing. On his other arm, he has Tiny Bear tatooed onto it. Big Mike goes on to the say that he is running around downtown a lot so if I ever see him, I should feel free to say hi. To me, it almost gives me a sense of security to know someone that runs around the city because one day I might run into trouble and Big Mike might be there to help me. Who knows, God works in mysterious ways!


Anonymous said...

Hi Choopa I miss you! Love Bushman

Anonymous said...

Just like you, Leeta, to make friends everywhere you go. Good to hear that you are settled in. Lots of hiking and bus trips might make it easier to spend less money...or buy smaller items. :)

Love ya tons. C & G

Anonymous said...

Hey Woman, I am so proud of you and all that you can accomplish on your own. Go to a sporting good store or military store and get some mace. Let me know if you can't locate some and you want some, I will send it to you. It is little and compact and no one will no you are carrying it until you need to use it. I carry mine on my walks just in case of dogs or crazy people. Have a great day, I love you, Vicky

Anonymous said...

Hey Leeta Bear!! This Story is hilarious! I can just picture you in the middle of Providence with Big Mike!!! You are right though, its always good to have people on your team!!!! Im soo happy for you...keep it up!!!!! Ill be in touch soon with my schedule of when ill be in providence!! love you lots!

Anonymous said...

Hey fairy princess girl. How's BIG mike doing?