Saturday, September 8, 2007

Save the Bay!

Today I went to do community service with Save the Bay. The event was International Coast Cleanup where people all over the world are cleaning up their bays/beaches. This however is a little more tedious because we had to tally how much we found of everything. Like my group found 185 candy/food wrappers, 27 cigarette butts, 24 straws, 85 pieces of glass, etc. They do this worldwide because they want to find what the main factor of pollution is. For example, they collected 1700 cigarette butts in the state of Rhode Island last year. Now they are banning smoking on the beaches. Things like that to help the environment because marine wildlife see the trash and thinks it is food and eat it and it hurts them.

I had that from about 9:30 to 12:30 and I met a cool girl there that lives not too far from Newport. So this morning was pretty good and exciting and now I'm off to hit the books!


Anonymous said...

Newport, Oregon?

Anonymous said...

Did you smoke the butts that were lightable?

Anonymous said...

Keep up the community service. It will make you feel great!